Inspect OSM Components

Some OSM components will be installed by default in the chosen namespace, which defaults to osm-system. Inspect them by using the following kubectl command:

# Replace osm-system with the namespace where OSM is installed
kubectl get pods,svc,secrets,meshconfigs,serviceaccount --namespace osm-system

Some cluster-wide (non-namespaced) OSM components will also be installed. Inspect them using the following kubectl command:

kubectl get clusterrolebinding,clusterrole,mutatingwebhookconfiguration

Under the hood, osm is using Helm libraries to create a Helm release object in the control plane Namespace. The Helm release name is the mesh-name. The helm CLI can also be used to inspect Kubernetes manifests installed in more detail. See the Helm docs for how to install Helm.

helm get manifest osm --namespace <osm-namespace>


Let’s take a look at each component:

(1) Proxy Control Plane

The Proxy Control Plane plays a key part in operating the service mesh. All proxies are installed as sidecars and establish an mTLS gRPC connection to the Proxy Control Plane. The proxies continuously receive configuration updates. This component implements the interfaces required by the specific reverse proxy chosen. OSM implements Envoy’s go-control-plane xDS v3 API. The xDS v3 API can also be used to extend the functionality provided by SMI, when advanced Envoy features are needed.

(2) Certificate Manager

Certificate Manager is a component that provides each service participating in the service mesh with a TLS certificate. These service certificates are used to establish and encrypt connections between services using mTLS.

(3) Endpoints Providers

Endpoints Providers are one or more components that communicate with the compute platforms (Kubernetes clusters, on-prem machines, or cloud-providers’ VMs) participating in the service mesh. Endpoints providers resolve service names into lists of IP addresses. The Endpoints Providers understand the specific primitives of the compute provider they are implemented for, such as virtual machines, virtual machine scale sets, and Kubernetes clusters.

(4) Mesh specification

Mesh Specification is a wrapper around the existing SMI Spec components. This component abstracts the specific storage chosen for the YAML definitions. This module is effectively a wrapper around SMI Spec’s Kubernetes informers, currently abstracting away the storage (Kubernetes/etcd) specifics.

(5) Mesh catalog

Mesh Catalog is the central component of OSM, which combines the outputs of all other components into a structure, which can then be transformed into proxy configuration and dispatched to all listening proxies via the proxy control plane. This component:

  1. Communicates with the mesh specification module (4) to detect when a Kubernetes service was created, changed, or deleted via SMI Spec.
  2. Reaches out to the certificate manager (2) and requests a new TLS certificate for the newly discovered service.
  3. Retrieves the IP addresses of the mesh workloads by observing the compute platforms via the endpoints providers (3).
  4. Combines the outputs of 1, 2, and 3 above into a data structure, which is then passed to the proxy control plane (1), serialized and sent to all relevant connected proxies.


Detailed component description

This section outlines the conventions adopted and guiding the development of the Open Service Mesh (OSM). Components discussed in this section:

  • (A) Proxy sidecar - Envoy or other reverse-proxy with service-mesh capabilities
  • (B) Proxy Certificate - unique X.509 certificate issued to the specific proxy by the Certificate Manager
  • (C) Service - Kubernetes service resource referenced in SMI Spec
  • (D) Service Certificate - X.509 certificate issued to the service
  • (E) Policy - SMI Spec traffic policy enforced by the target service’s proxy
  • Examples of service endpoints handling traffic for the given service:
    • (F) Azure VM - process running on an Azure VM, listening for connections on IP, port 81.
    • (G) Kubernetes Pod - container running on a Kubernetes cluster, listening for connections on IP, port 81.
    • (H) On-prem compute - process running on a machine within the customer’s private data center, listening for connections on IP, port 81.

The Service (C) is assigned a Certificate (D) and is associated with an SMI Spec Policy (E). Traffic for Service (C) is handled by the Endpoints (F, G, H) where each endpoint is augmented with a Proxy (A). The Proxy (A) has a dedicated Certificate (B), which is different from the Service Cert (D), and is used for mTLS connection from the Proxy to the proxy control plane.


(C) Service

Service in the diagram above is a Kubernetes service resource referenced in SMI Spec. An example is the bookstore service defined below and referenced by a TrafficSplit policy:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: bookstore
    app: bookstore
    - port: 14001
      targetPort: 14001
      name: web-port
    app: bookstore

kind: TrafficSplit
  name: bookstore-traffic-split
  service: bookstore
    - service: bookstore-v1
      weight: 100

(A) Proxy

In OSM Proxy is defined as an abstract logical component, which:

  • fronts a mesh service process (container or binary running on Kubernetes or a VM)
  • maintains a connection to a proxy control plane (xDS server)
  • continuously receives configuration updates (xDS protocol buffers) from the proxy control plane (the Envoy xDS go-control-plane implementation) OSM ships out of the box with Envoy reverse-proxy implementation.

(F,G,H) Endpoint

Within the OSM codebase Endpoint is defined as the IP address and port number tuple of a container or a virtual machine, which is hosting a proxy, which is fronting a process, which is a member of a service and as such participates in the service mesh. The service endpoints (F,G,H) are the actual binaries serving traffic for the service (C). An endpoint uniquely identifies a container, binary, or a process. It has an IP address, port number, and belongs to a service. A service can have zero or more endpoints, and each endpoint can have only one sidecar proxy. Since an endpoint must belong to a single service, it follows that an associated proxy must also belong to a single service.

(D) Service TLS certificate

Proxies, fronting endpoints, which form a given service will share the certificate for the given service. This certificate is used to establish mTLS connection with peer proxies fronting endpoints of other services within the service mesh. The service certificate is short-lived. Each service certificate’s lifetime will be approximately 24 hours, which eliminates the need for a certificate revocation facility. OSM declares a type ServiceCertificate for these certificates. ServiceCertificate is how this kind of certificate is referred to in the Interfaces section of the developer documentation.

(B) Proxy TLS certificate

The proxy TLS certificate is a X.509 certificate issued to each individual proxy, by the Certificate Manager. This kind of certificate is different than the service certificate and is used exclusively for proxy-to-control-plane mTLS communication. Each Envoy proxy will be bootstrapped with a proxy certificate, which will be used for the xDS mTLS communication. This kind of certificate is different than the one issued for service-to-service mTLS communication. OSM declares a type ProxyCertificate for these certificates. We refer to these certificates as ProxyCertificate in the Interfaces declarations section of the developer documentation. This certificate’s Common Name leverages the DNS-1123 standard with the following format: <proxy-UUID>.<service-name>.<service-namespace>. The chosen format allows us to uniquely identify the connected proxy (proxy-UUID) and the namespaced service, which this proxy belongs to (service-name.service-namespace).

(E) Policy

The policy component referenced in the diagram above (E) is any SMI Spec resource referencing the service (C). For instance, TrafficSplit, referencing a services bookstore, and bookstore-v1:

kind: TrafficSplit
  name: bookstore-traffic-split
  service: bookstore
    - service: bookstore-v1
      weight: 100

Certificate lifetime

The service certificates issued by the Certificate Manager are short-lived certificates, with a validity of approximately 24 hours. The short certificate expiration eliminates the need for an explicit revocation mechanism. A given certificate’s expiration will be randomly shortened or extended from the 24 hours, in order to avoid thundering herd problem inflicted on the underlying certificate management system. Proxy certificates, on the other hand, are long-lived certificates.

Proxy Certificate, Proxy, and Endpoint relationship

  • ProxyCertificate is issued by OSM for a Proxy, which is expected to connect to the proxy control plane sometime in the future. After the certificate is issued, and before the proxy connects to the proxy control plane, the certificate is in the unclaimed state. The state of the certificate changes to claimed after a proxy has connected to the control plane using the certificate.
  • Proxy is the reverse-proxy, which attempts to connect to the proxy control plane; the Proxy may, or may not be allowed to connect to the proxy control plane.
  • Endpoint is fronted by a Proxy, and is a member of a Service. OSM may have discovered endpoints, via the endpoints providers, which belong to a given service, but OSM has not seen any proxies, fronting these endpoints, connect to the proxy control plane yet.

The intersection of the set of issued ProxyCertificates ∩ connected Proxies ∩ discovered Endpoints is the set of participants in the service mesh.


Envoy proxy ID and service membership

  • Each Proxy is issued a unique ProxyCertificate, which is dedicated to xDS mTLS communication
  • ProxyCertificate has a per-proxy unique Subject CN, which identifies the Proxy, and the respective Pod it resides on.
  • The Proxy's service membership is determined by the Pod’s service membership. OSM identifies the Pod when the Envoy established gRPC to XDS and presents client certificate. Then CN of the cert contains a unique ID assigned to the pod and a Kubernetes namespace where the pod resides. Once XDS parses the CN of the connected Envoy, Pod context is available. From Pod we determine Service membership, Pod’s ServiceAccount and other Kubernetes context.
  • There is one unique ProxyCertificate issued to one Proxy, which is dedicated to one unique Endpoint (pod). OSM limits the number of services served by a proxy to 1 for simplicity.
  • A mesh Service is constructed by one or more ProxyCertificate + Proxy + Endpoint