Troubleshooting Ingress Traffic

When Ingress is not working as expected

1. Confirm global ingress configuration is set as expected.

# Returns true if HTTPS ingress is enabled
kubectl get meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -o jsonpath='{.spec.traffic.useHTTPSIngress}{"\n"}'

If the output of this command is false this means that HTTP ingress is enabled and HTTPS ingress is disabled. To disable HTTP ingress and enable HTTPS ingress, use the following command:

# Replace osm-system with osm-controller's namespace if using a non default namespace
kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -p '{"spec":{"traffic":{"useHTTPSIngress":true}}}'  --type=merge

Likewise, to enable HTTP ingress and disable HTTPS ingress, run:

# Replace osm-system with osm-controller's namespace if using a non default namespace
kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -p '{"spec":{"traffic":{"useHTTPSIngress":false}}}'  --type=merge

2. Inspect OSM controller logs for errors

# When osm-controller is deployed in the osm-system namespace
kubectl logs -n osm-system $(kubectl get pod -n osm-system -l app=osm-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

Errors will be logged with the level key in the log message set to error:


3. Confirm that the ingress resource has been successfully deployed

kubectl get ingress <ingress-name> -n <ingress-namespace>