Troubleshooting Egress Traffic

When Egress is not working as expected

1. Confirm egress is enabled

If relying on passthrough egress functionality to unknown destinations, confirm that global passthrough egress is enabled by verifying the value for the enableEgress key in the osm-mesh-config MeshConfig custom resource. osm-mesh-config resides in the OSM control plane namespace (osm-system by default).

# Returns true if global passthrough egress is enabled
kubectl get meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -o jsonpath='{.spec.traffic.enableEgress}{"\n"}'

If using Egress policy, confirm that egress policy capability is enabled.

# Returns true if egress policy capability is enabled
kubectl get meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -o jsonpath='{.spec.featureFlags.enableEgressPolicy}{"\n"}'

2. Inspect OSM controller logs for errors

# When osm-controller is deployed in the osm-system namespace
kubectl logs -n osm-system $(kubectl get pod -n osm-system -l app=osm-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

Errors will be logged with the level key in the log message set to error:


3. Confirm the Envoy configuration when using Egress policy

Use the osm verify connectivity command to validate that the pod can communicate with the external host and port using an Egress policy.


To verify if the pod curl-7bb5845476-zwxbt in the namespace curl can direct HTTPS traffic to the the external host on port 443:

osm verify connectivity --from-pod curl/curl-7bb5845476-zwxbt --to-ext-port 443 --to-ext-host --app-protocol https
[+] Context: Verify if pod "curl/curl-7bb5845476-zwxbt" can access external service on port 443
Status: Success


To verify if the pod curl-7bb5845476-zwxbt in the namespace curl can direct HTTP traffic to the the external host on port 80:

osm verify connectivity --from-pod curl/curl-7bb5845476-zwxbt --to-ext-port 80 --to-ext-host --app-protocol http
[+] Context: Verify if pod "curl/curl-7bb5845476-zwxbt" can access external service on port 80
Status: Success


The Status field in the output will indicate Success when the verification succeeds.