
  • Kubernetes cluster running Kubernetes v1.20.0 or greater

Set up the OSM CLI

From the Binary Releases

Download platform specific compressed package from the Releases page. Unpack the osm binary and add it to $PATH to get started.

Linux and macOS

In a bash-based shell on Linux/macOS or Windows Subsystem for Linux, use curl to download the OSM release and then extract with tar as follows:

# Specify the OSM version that will be leveraged throughout these instructions

# Linux curl command only
curl -sL "$OSM_VERSION/osm-$OSM_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz" | tar -vxzf -

# macOS curl command only
curl -sL "$OSM_VERSION/osm-$OSM_VERSION-darwin-amd64.tar.gz" | tar -vxzf -

The osm client binary runs on your client machine and allows you to manage OSM in your Kubernetes cluster. Use the following commands to install the OSM osm client binary in a bash-based shell on Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux. These commands copy the osm client binary to the standard user program location in your PATH.

sudo mv ./linux-amd64/osm /usr/local/bin/osm

For macOS use the following commands:

sudo mv ./darwin-amd64/osm /usr/local/bin/osm

You can verify the osm client library has been correctly added to your path and its version number with the following command.

osm version


In a PowerShell-based shell on Windows, use Invoke-WebRequest to download the OSM release and then extract with Expand-Archive as follows:

# Specify the OSM version that will be leveraged throughout these instructions

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12"
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$OSM_VERSION/osm-$" -OutFile "osm-$"
Expand-Archive -Path "osm-$" -DestinationPath .

The osm client binary runs on your client machine and allows you to manage the OSM controller in your Kubernetes cluster. Use the following commands to install the OSM osm client binary in a PowerShell-based shell on Windows. These commands copy the osm client binary to an OSM folder and then make it available both immediately (in current shell) and permanently (across shell restarts) via your PATH. You don’t need elevated (Admin) privileges to run these commands and you don’t need to restart your shell.

# Copy osm.exe to C:\OSM
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\OSM"
Move-Item -Path .\windows-amd64\osm.exe -Destination "C:\OSM\"

# Add C:\OSM to PATH.
# Make the new PATH permanently available for the current User
$USER_PATH = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "User") + ";C:\OSM\"
[environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $USER_PATH, "User")
# Make the new PATH immediately available in the current shell
$env:PATH += ";C:\OSM\"

You can verify the osm client library has been correctly added to your path and its version number with the following command.

osm version

From Source (Linux, MacOS)

Building OSM from source requires more steps but is the best way to test the latest changes and useful in a development environment.

You must have a working Go environment.

git clone
cd osm
make build-osm

make build-osm will fetch any required dependencies, compile osm and place it in bin/osm. Add bin/osm to $PATH so you can easily use osm.

Install OSM

OSM Configuration

By default, the control plane components are installed into a Kubernetes Namespace called osm-system and the control plane is given a unique identifier attribute mesh-name defaulted to osm. During installation, the Namespace and mesh-name can be configured through flags when using the osm CLI or by editing the values file when using the helm CLI.

The mesh-name is a unique identifier assigned to an osm-controller instance during install to identify and manage a mesh instance.

The mesh-name should follow RFC 1123 DNS Label constraints. The mesh-name must:

  • contain at most 63 characters
  • contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters or ‘-’
  • start with an alphanumeric character
  • end with an alphanumeric character

Using the OSM CLI

Use the osm CLI to install the OSM control plane on to a Kubernetes cluster.

Run osm install.

# Install osm control plane components
osm install
OSM installed successfully in namespace [osm-system] with mesh name [osm]

Run osm install --help for more options.